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BOMA/Chicago advocates for public and fiscal policies that build a competitive business environment. Whether at the state, local or federal level, BOMA/Chicago believes that a thriving commercial office building market is good for the economy, creates jobs, encourages entrepreneurial endeavors, and stimulates organizational growth. BOMA/Chicago has a vested interest in taxation issues including: property taxes, the employee head tax, income tax, parking taxes, real estate transfer taxes and other taxes and fees that stifle a competitive business environment.

Property Tax Overview

Educating members and elected officials about that impact of property taxes on building owners and managers, along with business tenants.

Property Tax Valuations

Advocating for fairer distribution of tax burdens and realistic commercial office building valuations to keep property taxes in check.

Local, State & Federal Taxation

Promoting a fair tax climate that encourages businesses to move to and remain in Chicago.

Other Taxes

Advocating for transparency and fairness related to Special Service Areas and Tax Increment Financing.

Taxation Resources

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